Monday, May 10, 2010

What I Learned From Twitter This Week

A while back, someone posted a message asking about my favorite teacher. I'm wondering if Twitter might be an acceptable answer. Now I've had some amazing teachers in my past and I mean no dishonor or disrespect to them, but when I stop and think about where I'm getting much of what I'm learning right now, I'd have to say that Twitter has been an excellent teacher - or more accurately the group brain of all those I follow on Twitter.

For example, here is just a sample of what I've learned this week...

From @imcguy

Thanks Chad. I too really need to take a look at my privacy settings and share this slideshow with others.

From @jgriffith2

I learned that Glogster is a great way to create and share workshop flyers. This sounds much more fun than a plain old Word document or PDF.

From a retweet by @jasonschmidt123

Will definately have to forward this list to my teachers. Okay, sometimes I'm guilty of a few of these myself.

Busy with meetings and student projects. Didn't have much time to check Twitter today. It's sad when I think about all the learning I probably missed. :(

From @kditzler

I spent way too much time this morning squashing flies with this little math game.

Direct Message from @rjacklin

Thanks to Twitter, our 3rd grade was able to video chat with another 3rd grade at Rob's school near St. Louis. We shared information about our schools and communities. It was a first skype for both classes - and it won't be the last.

From @wfryer

I know Steve Jobs says that iPods and iPads will not support Flash, but that didn't stop a few people from figuring out a way to make it work. Thanks for sharing this. Although until I know for sure that my confidential info was safe, I'd limit use to flash sites that don't require you enter your username and password.